Improve MOVEMENT Improve Life

Britta Heermann-Wynne is an excellent teacher, health and movement professional and an outstanding human being. Britta has made a significant contribution to my life, my health and the life of my daughter. Britta effectively helped me cope with and recover from chronic pain in my back, neck and shoulder. After many years of over-use, my body was experiencing a great deal of pain. The pain was causing stress and tension and affecting every area of my life. I mentioned this to Britta and she suggested the Feldenkrais Method. I engaged in a series of Feldenkrais treatments from Britta. The process was interesting. At first, I wasn’t sure how the method could help me as it seemed so fluid and effortless, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results. As I continued through the treatments I experienced a reduction in pain, an increase in the ease of movement, and better functionality overall. But the largest impact was in the reduction of tension and stress and the improvement of my mental health. I would pay money just to lay on Britta’s table in her presence. Her presence is a calming and healing force.
— Dr. Carol Faust
Purchasing ten private lessons with Britta was the best gift I have ever given my body. Britta is a Feldenkrais master. She moved my body around each session while I was spread out on her wonderful table, helping my brain make connections for better alignment and teaching me movements to do at home to continue her work. Britta is so positive and she is a loving caregiver. She so obviously cares deeply about helping individuals to use their bodies in healthy ways. Britta helped me to realize how all of my body parts work together to help each other in all of my daily activities. Britta doesn’t “fix you” in her sessions, but when I left each time I felt that she positively had done just that! Then it was up to me to continue with what I had learned in each session and to follow up with weekly group classes. There may be more private sessions in my future.
— Carol Kimbell


Move with ease and grace.

After successfully recovering from a severe neck injury, I witnessed firsthand the transformational power of the Feldenkrais Method®. I found much-needed relief from pain and significant movement restrictions and discovered a sense of overall well-being, self-respect, and increased enthusiasm for life. 

         I am passionate about teaching Feldenkrais to anyone interested in gaining ease, comfort, and competence in movement and, ultimately, in themselves and their interactions with the world around them. Feldenkrais is for everyone and, by its very nature, offers hope to overcome personal limitations. I desire to help and encourage people to find strength, joy, and comfort in their lives!

         One of my aspirations is reflected in Moshe Feldenkrais’ invaluable quote: “Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process, and you improve the quality of life itself.”

“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains.
What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity. ”
— Moshe Feldenkrais

About the Practitioner 

Britta Heermann-Wynne was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany. She studied classical ballet and modern dance under the direction of Constanze Vernon at the University of Fine Arts and Music in Munich, under Rosella Hightower at The Centre de Danse Internationale in Cannes, France, under John Neumeier at The Hamburg Ballet School in Hamburg, Germany and with Ruth Currier in New York, NY. Britta danced professionally for eleven years with The Musiktheater im Revier in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, The Freiburger Tanztheater in Freiburg, Germany, and with TanzForum at the Metropolitan Opera Cologne, Germany, performing many solo roles. During these 11 years, Britta toured throughout Europe and South East Asia.

1994, Britta moved to the United States with her husband and daughter. She co-directed, danced, and taught for At Marah Dance Theater while performing with Jeanne Ruddy Dance in Philadelphia. Britta then accepted a position as a specialty instructor, teaching ballet and modern dance at  Belhaven University in Jackson, MS.

Britta's dedication to dance education took a new direction after seven years at Belhaven University. She embarked on a four-year Feldenkrais Teacher Training Program in Houston,TX, a testament to her adaptability and commitment to holistic dance education. In 2013, she graduated as a Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM. Britta's journey as a Feldenkrais Practitioner has seen her operating her private practice and assisting her husband in teaching at various institutions, including the Sangre de Cristo Art Center in Pueblo, CO, Arts Immersion in Denver, CO, and Dance Arts Los Alamos in Los Alamos, NM. She currently serves as the trainer and rehearsal assistant for the NWA Ballet Theatre in Bentonville, Arkansas.